Cut scene suggestion
Maybe this was suggested on previous thread, I didn't want to
look through all of them, plus this forum site loads slow...
So, I have 10 character slots and 8 of them are level 20's.
And, I have done all of the missions on all 3 GW titles.
Here is my thing, I really don't want to watch the cut scenes
over and over again.
I have eruptly left the cut scene by just quiting the game,
and I lost the whole mission I've done and came back to
where I was. /Cry.
So, evertime I do a mission with people who has not seen
the story movies, I sit there grind my teeth. Looking
at 7 out of 8 wants to skip the scene.
Why cant there be an option to skip the scene after mission is
over, and go on with our merry way. There is always someone
asks everyone to skip the movie all the time, and there is always
someone that has to watch it. Gah...
Wouldn't this be a simple fix from Anet?